Newborn Must Haves

 I cannot even believe my sweet Hayden (Hay Hay) is 3 months old! 

She has two facial expressions, this one above and a "what's going on here?" furrowed brow face. Although she is my second, with them being 6+ years apart, it feels like we are brand new parents at times. That has especially been true when shopping for things because there are so many new products on the market that weren't available (or we didn't know about them as overwhelmed new parents) 6 years ago. Here is what we could not have lived without these past 3 months.

We have used this everyday the last 3 months. Since she is not rolling yet, this has been the perfect "seat" for her. We've used it for naps, hanging around on the couch, sitting next to us on the floor, photo shoots...we also take it with us when visiting friends & family at their house. The best part, you can throw the whole thing in the washing machine.

While we aren't using these now that is Summer, they were perfect for Springtime to wear under a Sleep Sack. I love that they zip up from the bottom making it super easy to do those middle of the night diaper changes.

Neither of my kids liked being swaddled because they like to sleep with their hands in their face. I love that these sacks have the comfort of a swaddle, but you can remove the sleeves to allow their arms to move freely. The breathable mesh piece is perfect for hot summers. It also zips up from the bottom for diaper changes.

This guy goes EVERYWHERE with us. We even have two because we thought we lost one and immediately rushed to Target to grab a replacement. (Only to find the original one the next day.) It vibrates just enough for a soothing "in the car" level of comfort. We use it in the car seat at dinner, in the stroller at church, even for bedtime. I just remove it from the crib once I know she is asleep. The only downside is that the vibration only last about 5 minutes so you have to keep squeezing it. It also plays music, but Hay Hay loves the vibration so much we don't even use that feature.

Hay Hay's other BFF that goes everywhere with us, this giraffe. It makes it super easy to keep track of the pacifier and she loves holding on tight to her little friend.

We are using the same Mamaroo now that we used with Harper over 6 years ago. We use the car ride movement and the rain sound. We use it for both entertainment and naps. 

Hay Hay LOVES this. She will lay in her crib and look around while making noises. We call it playing with her friends. The toys move around the mobile, but also individually spin at various times. It has lots of different musical tones as well as a light.

I bought this after several people suggested it. It literally does what is says, it shushes. It uses a real human voice to say "shhh shhh shhh shhh", the same way you would to calm them. We've used it at bed time, in the car, really anytime she is fussy and it calms her down.

9. Gas Help

Hayden was very gassy the first month or so while she was getting used to her body and formula. At the suggestion of another mama, I started putting Mylicon in every bottle except for one which I would put probiotic drops in. It really helped a lot. We found that the Baby Frida Windi (although kind of gross) works too when they are really struggling and fussy due to gas. I weaned off the Mylicon and now only use the Probiotic drops once a day. 

Now that Hay Hay is 3 months old, she prefers to be in an upright sitting position. Since she weighs probably 15 lbs, that can wear out your arms really fast. She has about 90% head control, but still needs some support. The Sit Me Up chair is the only one that we found to have a high enough back to still provide a little bit of head support. 

I really wanted to stop at 10 because it is a nice even number, but there is one last thing that we use daily and is worth a mention. The Milk Snob Cover is so versatile. We use it mostly as a car seat cover, but it doubles as a blanket, burp cloth and nursing cover. You can also use it as a shopping cart and high chair cover as baby gets older. It is so soft and stretchy and comes in lots of patterns. 

I hope you find these items helpful with your babe!


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